新規マップ追加 op_lucky_a2 1.0.0




Allied Objective Descriptions
1 Primary Objective:Take controll over the Axis occupied house and push axis back to get easyer Access to the Objective
2 Primary Objective:Intelligence reports say that Axis forces have their Prototype Radar parts in this Warehouse, Blow the Warehouse door to get acess to the Objectives.
3 Primary Objective:Steal the Radar parts.
4 Primary Objective:Steal the Truck and escape with the Radar Parts.
5 Primary Objective:Construct The Commandpost to get a extra Spawn.
6 Primary Objective:Stop Axis from Constructing a Commandpost.


Axis Objective Descriptions
1 Primary Objective:Keep controll over the House,and stop the futile Allied attack
2 Primary Objective:Defend the Warehouse Door.
3 Primary Objective:Defend the Radar Parts.
4 Primary Objective:Stop the Allies from Stealing the Truck.
5 Primary Objective:Stop Allies from constructing a Command Post.
6 Primary Objective:Construct the Command Post.


Posted by S'Masa